Bob Schmidt, MS, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
Adults, Children & Families
Just now available: Video Conference Sessions
HIPAA Approved. Safe, secure and confidendial
Specializing In
Anxiety, Stress Management, Anger Management, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping), Brainspotting, Post Traumatic Stress, Crisis Management, Adolescent Issues,
Grief and Loss, and Mediation
Masters Degree in Counseling, Western Connecticut State University
Masters Degree in Education, CCNY
Bachelors Degree in Education, SUNY Oswego
Licensed Professional Counselor (psychotherapist) in private practice
Specializing in treating anxiety, depression and trauma
Retired Adjunct Professor in the Counselor Education Dept. at Fairfield University
Forty years experience in public education as a counselor and teacher
Twenty-five years experience as a Workshop Presenter and Keynote Speaker

You can find it on Amazon.com
A self-help book with a variety of techniques of that you can do to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Now available in Kindle format.

From Routledge Publishing, April 2020:
Disaster Mental Health Community Planning; A Manual for Trauma-Informed Collaboration
by Bob Schmidt, LPC & Sharon L. Cohen
Available on Routledge.com and Amazon.com

Leadership and Awards
Past President: Connecticut Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
American Counseling Association National Recognition Award: Samuel T. Gladding, Unsung Hero Award, March 2015
Community Service Award, Connecticut Counseling Association: May 2014
Adjunct Professor of the Year, Fairfield University Graduate School: May 2013
Past Chair of the North Atlantic Region of the American Counseling Association
Past President of the Connecticut Counseling Association
Past President of the Connecticut School Counselor Association
Closing keynote speaker at the American Counseling Association Leadership Institute (2 years)
Member of the Newtown Lions Club: Received the Ambassador of Sight Award (2010), the Good Sheppard Award (2012), and the Melvin Jones Award (2013)
Chair of the Newtown Sandy Hook Community Foundation
A published singer-songwriter (BMI)
“My role is not to fix you or tell you what to do, but to teach you ways to help
yourself become the person you want to be.”
“Life is easier when you clear out the negative beliefs that you carry.”
“You cannot change the way other people treat you. However, when YOU
change, you often find that people will treat you differently.”
"Life is a series of challenges. Some challenges will be easy and some will be very difficult. Peace of mind comes with knowing what you can change and what you need to accept."